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Get Support to cultivate meaningful relationships and get energized to accomplish your goals!


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Are you Feeling:


  • like there is no one in your life who truly supports or understands you?

  • Struggling to keep your life together because your relationships or attempts at them keep draining you?

  • feeling the deep loneliness from the unhealthy dating scene in your city OR from needing to separate yourself from unhealthy people who constantly hold you back?

  • like everyday is an uphill battle, and you are lacking motivation?

  • Tired of feeling undervalued and unappreciated? 

  • Seeking to find inner peace and embracing a life where your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being align?


You're not alone.

Text "FREE CONSULT" or Call Lia Scott


To learn how we can best support you

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Instead You Could:


  • Get Your Energy Back: Feel more alive and connected, turning tired moments into a vibrant, energized life.

  • Balance Your Life: Get support on your journey, someone to share the load and make managing work, life, love and money less stressful.

  • Build Supportive Friendships: learn to cultivate meaningful, loving and supportive relationships, get support in joining a community that gets you, lifts you up, and helps you grow. (both in person &/or online)

  • Discover Your Worth: learn to trust yourself, feel more confident, and uncover what's RIGHT about you!

  • Feel Better Inside and Out: Experience more peace, grounding and clarity to align your outer world with your inner world and design more of the life you want.


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A Note From Founder, CEO - Lia Scott


Did you know that research consistently shows that loneliness can have

adverse effects on mental health, leading to increased risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues?


Studies also indicate that individuals with strong social support networks tend to have better mental health outcomes.


Having supportive relationships has been linked to reduced stress, improved mood, and better overall well-being.


If you are feeling lonely, I've been there too.

My Story

For over 10 years I lived on my own in Toronto, ON and had very little support. Not having a strong family foundation, I was not surrounded by healthy, supportive people and experienced much hardships in result of it.


I was pursuing an artistic career at the time and actually wrote a song about it which I've included for you below.

​For most of my life, I was anxious and depressed and didn't even know thats what was going on. I sometimes wondered what was wrong with me and why it seemed so hard to meet loving healthy people who stuck around, and that I could trust. I wondered why I continued to attract manipulative, unhealthy people in my life. It truly felt like no matter how hard things got, things just kept getting harder... a loop I felt stuck in.


I also couldn't seem to find the professional support I needed and felt like no one seemed to understand my needs or what I was going through. I wanted loving people in my life. Ones that stuck around. I wanted to feel inner peace and get energized to create a fulfilling life where I could be accepted as I am and be seen and appreciated. 


I was determined to find a solution. Because at some point in my life I knew that I would either feel torchered for the rest of my life, or learn what the experts know so that I could help myself!


And that was the beginning of my journey that eventually lead me here.


I found online courses to audit and started diving deep into positive psychology, neuroscience and holistic wellness. I was able to start turning my life around. 


Even then, I had no idea about the power of having a personal coach. I had never experienced being supported in such a way so I didn't know what a difference it could make in my life.


Below I've included a video of my song "It Ain't Easy", which I wrote while being in this place of growth, hope and trust. 


I could sense a shift within myself which I believed was the beginning of positive changes finally on their way to materialize themselves in my life.

And it did!


One day, I made a second decision that completely changed my life. I gathered whatever pennies I could and invested in what became the most powerful coaching session of my life. 


There were so many things about myself I thought I needed to suppress or fix, and having a professional reflect back to me the truth about myself was unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life. In fact, many things that people appreciate about me today, were things I once thought were inherently wrong about me! And so I wasn't using some of my fundamental gifts to help people. So much healing happened in that one session.


Although it didn't happen over night, I later became a Certified Holistic Health, Life and Wellness coach and am now living an extremely fulfilling, peaceful life helping those who feel lonely, cultivate meaningful relationships and get energized to accomplish their goals. 


It doesn't have to take you 10+ years to get to where I did.


With your commitment, and my support along the way, I can guide you there in just 7 steps! So you can feel more grounded, motivated and happy! 


On this page, you will find information about my 7-step program "Amazing Me!" and the various options that could be available to you to get support.


I also host free group events once a month. Make sure to sign up to my newsletter so you don't miss out!


"I was struggling to stay true to myself, value and honor my inner truth and what I wanted enough to take the necessary action towards my goals. In a matter of two sessions with Lia, I was able to identify wrongfully held beliefs I was holding and what I needed to do to dramatically change my life."


- AEJ, Writer & CEO

Introducing: Amazing Me!

 A Holistic 7-Step Program to Cultivate More Meaningful Relationships and Get Energized To Accomplish Your Goals!

Transform your life in just 12 weeks
Book a call to get started.
Through this Custamizable 7-step program and my support along the way, you will:

Step 1

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Uncover Your True Self

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  • Understand your core strengths, passions, and set empowering boundaries.

  • Discover your unique gifts and learn what's RIGHT about you

  • ** Explore your attachment style, MBTI and enneagram and how this may or may not impact you and your wellbeing.


This step is about embarking on a journey of self-discovery towards a more confident, radiant you! 

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Step 3

** = Custom Option

Embrace Your Well-Being

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  • ** Develop habits for healthy eating, understanding the connection between nutrition and overall well-being.

  • ** Cultivate better sleep habits to support emotional and mental resilience.

  • ** Incorporate peaceful habits and rituals, as well as exercise into your routine as a form of self-love and stress management.

  • ** Discover and engage in activities that bring joy, fulfillment, and align with your interests.


In this step, you will foster self-love and compassion by prioritizing physical, emotional, and mental well-being through healthy habits, self-care rituals, and the pursuit of activities that bring joy and fulfillment.

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Step 5

Embrace Solitude for Growth

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  • Utilize periods of solitude to connect with your inner self on a deeper level, fostering self-reflection, healing, and tending to your individual needs

  • Engage in practices that rewire your brain for positive thinking, cultivating an open mindset to receive love and abundance.

  • Nurturing your well-being, reinforcing the progress made in earlier steps and strengthening your foundation for a life of love, abundance, peace, and happiness.


Manage and navigate periods of loneliness by transforming them into opportunities for deep self-connection, self-love, and cultivating a positive mindset. Recognize your worth, reinforcing the groundwork for a fulfilling life ahead.

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Step 7

Navigate The Noise

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  • Develop strategies to stay focused on your goals amidst external opinions, enhancing your ability to discern opinions that are right for you, from those that are wrong for you and will only distract you from your positive progress and personal goals.

  • Learn how to navigate and filter online advice, honing your skills in determining which ones are right for you and which ones are wrong.

  • Gain tools to respond to family, friend and social pressures and conflicts with confidence, managing these interactions gracefully while staying strong in trusting yourself and what's right for YOU.


In a world filled with opinions and distractions, refine your ability to stay focused on your goals. Enhance your discernment, navigate online information, and manage conflicts effectively, ensuring you stay on track towards the peace and life you desire.

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Step 2

Define Your Boundaries

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  • Uncover what your personal boundaries are and how to  establish them in different relationships and interactions.​

  • Acquire skills to confidently and effectively communicate your boundaries, fostering healthier connections with others.

  • Learn to recognize red flags (and green flags) and navigate situations where others may not respect your boundaries.


This step is about cultivate a strong sense of self by defining your personal boundaries, navigating relationships with clarity, and fostering a healthier connection with others in your journey toward meaningful relationships and creating the personal space needed for you to get energized to  accomplishing your goals.

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Step 4

Create Your Empowered Space

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  • Identify and prioritize healthier relationships, setting firm boundaries with those who hinder your growth, and channel your energy towards connections that align with your values.

  • Establish a clutter-free and supportive physical environment that enhances focus, facilitates goal achievement, and acts as a safe haven from negativity.


Detox your surroundings to pave the way for personal growth and success. Prioritize relationships that uplift you, focus your energy on positive connections, and create a peaceful, clutter-free environment that supports your journey toward your desired version of a happy and successful life.

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Step 6

Find Your Tribe

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  • Build a supportive community around you

  • Develop strategies for setting and honouring your boundaries in group settings, empowering you to navigate social interactions authentically while keeping yourself safe at the same time.

  • Gain tools to exit uncomfortable situations gracefully, while building and maintaining trust in yourself and your judgment.


Navigate the process of finding and integrating into communities that resonate with your values. Learn to establish and honour your boundaries in social settings, recognize warning signs, and improve self-trust in social interactions.

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BONUS - You will also get:

Transformation Buddy Toolbox

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Unlock a world of support and inspiration with your very own "Transformation Buddy" toolkit!


This delightful toolbox is your dedicated companion throughout your wellness journey, ensuring you not only reach your goals but exceed them.


1. Encouraging Quotes: Fuel your motivation daily with uplifting quotes that resonate with your journey. Your Transformation Buddies are here to sprinkle positivity & encouragement into every step.


2. Guided Visual Meditations


3. Gradual Distribution: No overwhelm here! Your toolkit is thoughtfully designed to introduce tools at the right moments with personal touches that specifically reflects YOU! It's like unwrapping little gifts of inspiration, perfectly timed to support your progress.


4. Personalized Support: Your little alien buddies (aka. Lia Scott) bring you extra tools and personalized support according to your unique needs along your journey. Feel the warmth and fun of additional support from your buddies! As you navigate challenges and celebrate victories together.

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"Me being a very private person, Lia was very easy to open up to and very open minded without judgment. I was experiencing many health problems including physical illnesses, relationship issues and depression. Working with Lia helped me get out of my hole. I had lots of guilt and Lia opened up things in me I didn’t know needed to be opened.

Since working with Lia, my humor, self-worth and so many other things have improved."


Once you make the decision to holistically invest in your health and wellness, everything in your life will improve for the better. 

My practice is based on the Wellness 360 philosophy which allows me to collaboratively create a customized wellness plan with you within the carefully designed "Amazing Me!" program .

 personalized plan will help you get more grounded, motivated and happy so you can cultivate more loving and meaningful relationships, and accomplish more of your goals. With me personally guiding and supporting you every step of the way, you will learn how to sustain what you learn in healthy, simple, and realistic ways.

From combining science, research, biology, personal life experience, and the Wellness 360 Philosophy, I developed a series of steps for those who feel lonely cultivate more meaningful relationships and accomplish their goals.

For those who simply want to book me for individual coaching sessions, please book your free consult with me to see if we are a fit.
If I believe I can help you, then we can discuss your options.

Not sure where to start? Book a quick call with me now and we'll figure it out together!
*** Please note ***
I only enrol up to 6 clients into my programs at a time in order give each person the custom support and focused attention they need. I am dedicated to seeing my clients succeed and get real results!
This also allows me to invest more time to personalize each person's program based on their unique needs and circumstances. 

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